Sep 2024 Offering

This course has been completed.

L-0950 - All Hazards Incident Commander
Date & Times
Sep 23 - 27, 2024 from 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Fall NIMS ICS Position-Specific Training Hub & Spoke Event
In a partnership with the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Colorado Wildland Fire & Incident Management Academy, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the Incident Management Teams Association (IMTA), FEMA Regions VIII and IX, and the Emergency Management Institute (EMI), we announce an opportunity for Incident Management Team (IMT) members to participate in the Fall Hub & Spoke Event. Classes will be delivered in a “hybrid format” with Hub classrooms located in Colorado and California and Spoke classrooms located across the Nation.

The goal of this professional development course is to provide local and state-level emergency responders with an overview of key duties and responsibilities of an Incident Commander within the ICS structure and specifically for a Type III All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT).
The learner must achieve a minimum passing score of 75% on final knowledge assessments or demonstrate mastery on performance assessments or research assignments to earn the IACET CEU.
Selection Criteria: NIMS ICS Position Specific training shall be completed by personnel who will be required to gain a certificate of training and the credentials to function in an ICS Organization, such as an IMT, as a member of the Command, General Staff or as a Unit Leader. This criteria will be verified on the student enrollment request by endorsement of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) such as the State/Tribal Training Officer or the course manager.

Max Attendance
18 (8 Open Seats)
St. George Fire Protection

14100 Airline Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70817

POST Approved
Target Audiences
Emergency Management
Open To The Public

IS-700 OR IS-700.a OR IS-700.b
IS-100 OR IS-100.a OR IS-100.b OR IS-100.c
IS-200 OR IS-200.a OR IS-200.b OR IS-200.c
IS-800 OR IS-800.A OR IS-800.B OR IS-800.c OR IS-800.d

Registrant Notes

Please note the Start and End Times. The Incident Commander Class is scheduled according to Mountain time because the Hub Classroom is in Colorado. Class time will be from 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM.