State Emergency Management Agency

The Emergency Management Training (EMT) curriculum delivered by GOHSEP offers an extensive array of training opportunities for the State of Louisiana and parish emergency managers, public officials, members of volunteer relief organizations, and professionals in related fields. The EMT program has proven itself to be a comprehensive and effective vehicle to train the state of the Louisiana and parishes in disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Louisiana and its Parishes can cope better with disasters by preparing in advance through training activates and using the skills learned to build local teams and coalitions that respond to emergencies.

Upcoming Trainings

Dates Title
Mar 12, 2025 PA Cost Analysis/Scope Alignment
Mar 12, 2025 Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Response and Management Course
Mar 13, 2025 Special Topics in WebEOC: Nexus System Update (2025)
Mar 13, 2025 Intro to WebEOC
Mar 13, 2025 PA Expense Review: Rented Equipment & Materials
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What if my prerequisites are not shown in STEMS/GOHSEP?

Do you have your certificates on your computer/file?
  • Yes – You can upload your own certificates by logging into system and going to you profile. You can then select the “Request Course Credit” button. This is where you insert your certificate. You must upload one certificate at a time in a PDF form. IMPORTANT: You must upload EACH certificate individually for each class since they are different courses.
  • No – You can request your transcript through FEMA online. They usually respond very quickly. Once you receive your transcript from FEMA, please email so that she can input your certificate. However, the image of your certificate will not be available, only the record will be available with the date received.


How do I get copies of my certificates?

You can login into the website and go to your profile and look at your history. You will then see a “wheel” image that you can click on and see the image, if available, of your certificate. If your data was transferred over from the old system, there is a highly likely chance that the image is not available but your online transcript will suffice. If you have received your certificate recently, there is a good chance that you will be able to view your certificate and you will see that it will say “view certificate” and that is what you will click.


What if I get messages when I login at first and it tells me I need approval?

That is okay. It is indicating that you possibly have multiple login that need to be merged. It does automatically send to Carmen Smith at GOHSEP for approval. Once you are approved and accounts are merged, you will be able to register for courses. You do not need to send an email to let us know you are waiting for approval, this send automatically and will be taken care within normal business hours.


What if I get a message that I’m not a user in the system?

You will need to re-register as a user and it does automatically send to GOHSEP for approval. Once you are approved and accounts are merged, you will be able to register for courses. You do not need to send an email to let us know you are waiting for approval, this send automatically and will be taken care within normal business hours.