Course Catalog
Displaying courses 1 - 25 of 1514 in total
Name | |
0337 | All Hazard Command & General Staff Functions for Local Incidents Management Teams |
2021 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Symposium |
2021 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Symposium Virtual Training
This one-day symposium will feature plenary presentations by analysts from the FBI who will advise school staff on how to support federal investigations of child exploitation and empower students to avoid victimization on social media. Local experts will train on overcoming barriers to preventing child sexual abuse, identifying and responding to human trafficking identifiers in Colorado schools, understanding Title IX for K-12, and how to be a trusted adult to a child. |
2021 Nat School Safety Conf |
2021 National School Safety Conference
The 2021 National School Safety Conference and Exposition is the largest and most comprehensive conference focused on all aspects of school safety and security. Centered on national best practices and proven methods and programs, this conference brings together the most knowledgeable and internationally renowned keynote presenters into a single forum to provide the highest quality professional development possible in one conference. In addition to our unmatched keynote presenters, you will be able to take advantage of a choice of two complimentary pre-conference sessions as well as almost 50 breakout sessions by current professionals in the fields of education, law enforcement, and school safety. |
2024 LA Cyber workshop |
2024 Louisiana Cybersecurity Assurance Plan Workshop
Local governments in Louisiana are among the most vulnerable victims, largely due to the infrastructure youʼre defending and the limited budget and human resources you have to do so. Sophisticated cyber threat actors exploit vulnerabilities to steal information and money and have developed capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services. Poorly protected contact information can help cyber criminals execute highly specific phishing campaigns and data breaches.
28 CFR PART 23 |
28 CFR Part 23 is a federal regulation that provides guidance to law enforcement agencies on the implementation standards for operating multijurisdictional criminal intelligence systems funded under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (Crime Control Act). The purpose of the regulation is to ensure the protection of constitutional (civil rights and civil liberties) rights and further an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy. |
406 HM |
PA 406 Hazard Mitigation
This course provides participants an overview of 406 Hazard Mitigation. After taking this course, participants will have a general understanding of how to identify 406 Hazard Mitigation in the Public Assistance Program. |
After Action Review - Beauregard Wildfires
Parish stakeholders will engage in a facilitated process to review the actions to response and recovery from the Beauregard Wildfires. This process will allow improvement plans and processes to be identified to position plans, organizations, equipment, trainings and exercises are updated for increased effectiveness and efficiency of incident management for future incidents. |
AAR-Baton Rouge | AAR- Baton Rouge |
This AAR is for ESF's only. |
Internal GOHSEP AAR IP for Statewide for Dec 12-13, Dec 22- 24, Dec 30 and Jan 2-3
GOHSEP is hosting and Internal AARIP for Dec 13-14, Dec 22-24, Dec 30 and Jan 2-3 incidents to provide a detailed discussion and review of the operations. This AAR IP invites GOHSEP staff, i.e., Regional Support Section, Operations Section, Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, Finance, Facilities Management, etc., involved in all operations to identify strengths, gaps and recommendations for improvement as these events included new personnel, processes and resources. This will be a blended format for in –person and virtual to accommodate all key personnel to provide insights and feedbacks for improvements. |
AAR-HF ESF | After Action Review for all ESF Activated for Hurricane Francine |
AAR-HF Parish | Parish After Action Review for Hurricane Francine |
AAR-HF UMR | After Action Review for all UMR Members Activated for Hurricane Francine |
After Action Review for Mass Casualty-Orleans Parish
The After Action Review for GOHSEP internal staff activated for the Mass Casualty-Orleans Parish Incident. |
After Action Review for Mass Casualty-Orleans Parish for ESF
The After Action Review for ESFs activated for the Mass Casualty-Orleans Parish Incident. |
AAR-Reg. 6, 7 & 8 |
After Action Review and Improvement Plan (AARIP) for Incident: 22-036 Severe Weather – Statewide Dec 13-14, Jan2-3
GOHSEP is hosting an AARIP for these severe weather events with the respective parish stakeholders to provide an enhanced discussion and review of the operations to outline how well your plan, highlight processes that worked and identify gaps and capabilities that need to be strengthen for future events.
AAR-Tangi | AAR-Tangipahoa |
AAR-Thibodeaux | AAR-Thibodeaux |
AAR-Winter ESFs |
Winter Weather 2025- ESFs
GOHSEP Leaders will conduct an After Action Review (AAR) for ESF Leads for the Winter Weather Incident. Attendance will be in-person or virtual. |
AAR-Winter Parish |
Winter Weather 2025- Parish Officials
GOHSEP Leaders will conduct an After Action Review (AAR) for Parish Officials for the Winter Weather Incident. Attendance will be virtual. |
Adv HazMat Tech | Advanced Hazardous Materials Technician |
Adv SKYWARN Spotter | Advanced SKYWARN® Spotter Training Course |
Adv Work Comp | Advanced Workers’ Compensation in LA |
AERO FERC | Air Force Emergency Response Operations: First and Emergency Responders Course |