Course Catalog

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Displaying courses 26 - 50 of 1511 in total

AFEMPC Air Force Emergency Management Program Course
Ag TERT Ag Terror Emergency Responder Training Course

A comprehensive course in AgTerror event awareness and response. The course has been thoroughly reviewed by experts and prepared to address the needs of agriculture emergency response training in every state.

AIP PA Alternate/Improved Projects Overview

This course provides participants a description of Alternate and Improved projects. This course also provides a distinction between the two types of projects and refers participants to applicable requirements under 44CFR and Public Assistance policy.

This course was formerly named ""Overview Improved/Alternate Projects."" ""Overview Improved/Alternate Projects"" does satisfy this course requirement.

Alarm Response Training Office of Radiological Security - Alarm Response Training

The ALERRT Basic Active Shooter 16 hour course. This course will train up to 30 front line patrol officers with varied levels of experience and includes the following:_x000d_
*Historical overview of active shooter events _x000d_
* Active Shooter vs. Barricade/Hostage Situation _x000d_
*Survival Stress Reaction _x000d_
* Training to Win _x000d_
* Tactical Team Movements _x000d_
*Low Light Techniques _x000d_
* Prevailing in Low Light Conditions _x000d_
*Terrorism Active Shooter Threats _x000d_
*Rescue Team Tactics _x000d_
* Improvised Explosive Devices _x000d_
* Building Approaches and Breaching _x000d_
*Reality Based Training Exercises _x000d_
*Video Scenario Debriefing _x000d_
*Course Critique _x000d_

ALERT AAIR Active Attack Incident Response

The Active Attack Integrated Response Train-the-Trainer Course (AAIR) is a performance level course designed to improve integration between law enforcement, fire, tele-communicator and emergency medical services (EMS) in active attack / shooter events. The course provides law enforcement officers with key medical skills based on tactical emergency casualty care (TECC) guidelines, which can be used at the point of injury (POI) to increase survivability of victims. The course also provides a model framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to integrate responses during an active attack / shooter event through the rescue task force concept. This course has been designed to improve the safety and survivability of victims of active attack / shooter events and increase the effectiveness, coordination, and resource integration between law enforcement, fire, tele-communications and EMS when responding to these events.

All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader
All-Hazards Incident Commander All-Hazards Incident Commander
All-Hazards Incident Management Team (IMT) All-Hazards Incident Management Team (IMT)
All-Hazards Operations Section Chief All-Hazards Operations Section Chief
ALP CPTP Adult Learning Principles WBT

"Whether you are facilitating a class or just training a new employee, considering the needs of your learner is crucial to the success of both you, as the trainer, and the learner. This course explains the basic principles of adult learning and offers practical tips for meeting the needs of those you may be training.

(This course is only a Team Lead requirement if seeking promotion from Team Lead 1 to Team Lead 2.)

Anti Terr Training Cert State and Local Anti-terrorism Training
Antiterr Training (II) Antiterrorism Training Course (Level II)
Anxiety & Depress Inj Worker Anxiety and Depression in the Injured Worker
A PRO PA Adobe Pro

This course provides participants an overview of Adobe Pro, to include creating Adobe documents, extracting page(s) from an Adobe Pro document, editing a document by lining through items or inserting text, signing and initialing documents, bookmarking pages, etc.

ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations (ARIO)

CDP Resident course. ARIO is a four-day course offering lectures, hands-on training, and practical exercises. The lectures include radiological concepts, agencies and regulations, National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS), and instrumentation selection. Hands-on training modules provide the responder with the knowledge and skills to perform a radiological emergency response operation.

Army instr Army Instructor Training Course
A Seat at the Table with Education Week A Seat at the Table with Education Week: Trauma-Informed Teaching: How to Identify and Help Students
AWR-100 AWR-100 ERT: Basic Concepts

AWR-100 ERT: Basic Concepts

AWR-102 AWR-102 Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts (Self-Study)

Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts (Self-Study)

AWR-103 AWR-103 WMD Crime Scene Management for Emergency Responders

WMD Crime Scene Management for Emergency Responders

AWR-110 AWR-110 WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders (Internet)

WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders (Internet)

AWR-111 AWR-111 Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Basic Concepts for WMD Incidents (Internet)

Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Basic Concepts for WMD Incidents (Internet)

AWR-112 AWR-112 Public Works: Basic Concepts for WMD Incidents (Internet)

Public Works: Basic Concepts for WMD Incidents (Internet)

AWR-118 Biological Incidents Awareness (NCBRT)