Course Catalog

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Displaying courses 126 - 150 of 1526 in total

Caddo All-Haz Caddo Parish Community All-Hazards Awareness Training

Each day brings new stories of people whose lives have been turned upside down. The disaster may be a natural occurrence, such as a tornado, or man-made, such as an active shooter. Either way, the destruction experienced by victims can be devasting.

Although we may not be able to avoid a disaster, we can be prepared for one.
• Prepared to minimize the damage to our lives and property.
• Prepared to survive.
• Prepared to help others.

Topics Discussed:
Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Kits
Active Shooter Awareness

Cameo Introduction of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite Performance Level
CAMEO 236-21903 Introduction of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite Performance Level
CAMEO 236-22387 Introduction of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite Performance Level
CAMEO 236-25682 Introduction of the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite Performance Level
CAPTAP Critical Infrastructure Key Resource Asset Protection Technical Assistance Program
CARE Workshop Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Workshop

CARE is an evidence-based universal approach to help any adult interacting with children or teens. It uses skills designed to enhance child-adult relationships and to reduce mild to moderate behavior problems.

CA SA PA Cost Analysis/Scope Alignment

In this course the participants will get an overview of what a Cost Analysis is, when a cost analysis is required and why. They will also understand what cost reasonableness is and how it is determined. The participants will learn about the cost analysis process and some of the speed bumps that might impact it. Participants will also be exposed to the significance of proper procurement procedures.


This course provides participants an overview of processing Reimbursement Requests for Category Z Projects. A Category Z Project will be written to capture the Management Costs for each Applicant who has obligated Cat A-G Projects. Per FEMA's Management Costs Policy, these costs must be fully documented, therefore Cat Z PWs are treated as Large Projects and the Applicant must submit RRFs in order to receive reimbursement for these costs.

CBRNE Infragard & CBRNE - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives

Hands-On Training for CBRNE Incidents is a course in which participants develop and apply chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE) incident-response practices in a realistic environment. The HOT course provides participants with knowledge and skills to perform at an operations level. The HOT course provides responders with the unique opportunity to practice their knowledge and skills in a practical exercise in the Nation's only toxic chemical-agent training facility, the Chemical, Ordnance, Biological and Radiological (COBRA) Training Facility.

CDP 008-06 CDP 008-06 Fundamentals of Healthcare Emergency Management (FUND)

CDP Resident Instructors. four-day, 32-hour course which provides healthcare personnel with a foundation of knowledge in healthcare emergency management. The course includes lectures on standards, regulations, and organizations affecting healthcare entities and the integration of government agencies and stakeholders; disaster preparedness planning; staffing and personnel; emergency management issues for healthcare; PPE and decontamination; evacuation, isolation, and quarantine; ethical issues; financial issues; public affairs; and training, drills, and exercises. Small exercises are conducted in hazard vulnerability assessment, managing medical surge, and developing a SOCO.

CDP 009-06 CDP 009-06 Advanced Public Information Officer Health & Hospital Emergencies (APIOHHE)

INSTRUCTOR: CDP. A four-day course combining lectures, facilitated discussion, activities and exercises, allowing participants to apply knowledge and skill to manage a Joint Information Center (JIC) in an emergency situation. This is accomplished with lectures in risk and crisis information, legal issues, policies, interpersonal skills, and emergency information systems.

CE CPTP Continuing Education WBT

"Continuing education requires one additional non-mandatory course to be completed per year. The course chosen must be on the CPTP continuing education list. The GOHSEP Training Coordinator can provide information regarding which courses can be used to satisfy this requirement each year. The continuing education qualification requirement begins July 1st and ends June 30th each year."

CEEP Critical Employee Emergency Preparedness

Critical Employee Emergency Preparedness_x000d_
Gulf States Regional Center for Public Safety Innovations

Cell Phone Technology How to Use Cell Phone Technology in Criminal Investigations

PATC INSTRUCTORS. familiarizes law enforcement officers and investigators with different cell phone technologies and teach the practical techniques used in forensic recovery of data stored in cell phones._x000d_

CEM CPTP Conducting Effective Meetings WBT

"Meetings can be the key to team success, if conducted properly. Conducting a meeting requires preparation, leadership, and the ability to navigate problematic situations. Without these skills, a meeting can quickly become counterproductive and impede a team's progress. This course challenges the skills necessary to succeed in the conference room and conquer the obstacles that may be keeping your team meetings from flourishing.

(This course is only a Team Lead requirement if seeking promotion from Team Lead 1 to Team Lead 2.)

CERT Basic Training Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training
Cert Examination Proc-TTT Certification Examination Procedures - TTT
Cert for Occup Safety Mgr Certificate for Occupational Safety Managers (COSM)
CERT TTT CERT Train-The-Trainer

The CERT Train-the-Trainer Course is a three day, 23 hour course designed to prepare participants to deliver Federal Emergency Management Agency’s CERT Basic Training course. The CERT Train-the-Trainer course should be used as part of an instructor development strategy and is not designed to be the sole requirement to become a CERT Basic Instructor. It is strongly recommend to have new instructors shadow experienced instructors before teaching on their own.

CET 101 PA Cost Estimate Tracking 101 (CET 101)

This course provides participants an introduction into the concept of the cost line items of a Project Worksheet (PW) and explains how those cost line items should be used to establish the cost line item “buckets” within the Cost Estimate Tracking (CET). This course further explains the process for inputting expenses, adjusting expenses, allocating expenses to multiple buckets, identifying and correcting cost overruns, as well as other aspects of the CET. This course is a pre-requisite to ""Cost Estimate Tracking 102.""

This course was formerly named ""Beginner Cost Estimate Tracking."" ""Beginner Cost Estimate Tracking"" does satisfy this course requirement.

CET 102 PA Cost Estimate Tracking 102 (CET 102)

This course provides participants an in depth view of the Cost Estimate Tracking for the Expense Review process and includes a working exercise, at which time examples are worked through so as to enable hands-on training and facilitate further discussion. Pre-requisite for this course is ""Cost Estimate Tracking 101.""

This course was formerly named ""Advanced Cost Estimate Tracking."" ""Advanced Cost Estimate Tracking"" does satisfy this course requirement.

CGS AHIMT Command and General Staff

This course is designed to prepare the student to function effectively in the position of a type 2 incident commander, command or general staff. The focus of this course is on the application of previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students will participate in two types of groups (teams and similar position) during exercises. These exercises include a simulation of the mobilization, management, and demobilization phases of a rapidly accelerating type 2 wildfire that has potential to become a type 1 incident.

Chem Haz Mat Chemistry of Hazardous Materials
Chem Sec Awareness Chemical Security Awareness Training